Where are the opportunities to take gender-responsive action?
- Build workforce capacity through mandatory training on gender-responsive health and prevention to improve women’s health care, including chronic conditions, early intervention and anti-discrimination practice.
- Assess ways to improve referral pathways to and better patient understanding about specialists.
- Provide access to information, including in different languages, about Australia’s medical system and information about women’s health, and chronic illnesses.
- Explore ways of supporting people who may be experiencing chronic pain.
- Connect with organisations and programs that support community access to multicultural health information, education and appropriate care for example, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, Health in My Language program, The Centre for Migrant and Refugee Health or Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health.
- Include trauma-informed mental health first aid training for managers.
- Improve access to affordable care for casual workers and people on temporary visas.
- See Module 4: What’s policy got to do with it? National health policy and strategies for more suggestions (to be released in late 2024).
These suggestions are part of the Reflection Activity in Module 2 of the ‘Introduction to Gender-Responsive Health‘ e-learning course.
Last updated: August 2024