2023 was a very productive year here at the Australian Women’s Health Alliance as we continued our work toward achieving gender equity in health for all women.
As we head into a short break, we wanted to remind you about some of our key achievements. This year we:
- hosted 3 webinars, including the launch of the refreshed Women’s Health Hub
- co-chaired a national meeting of health peaks part of the Health Peak Advisory Bodies Program
- established the women’s health policy community of practice and ran 4 sessions (find out more and express interest to attend future sessions online)
- established an informal women’s health communications group
- ran an online survey and 10 co-development sessions to refresh the Hub and shape new online materials
- collated and housed almost 200 resources on the Hub.
- wrote and published 5 new policy publications, which are available on the Hub and provided below:
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A sincere thank you to all our supporters and collaborators and best wishes for a nourishing end to the calendar year.
Planning for 2024 is well underway, and we look forward to working with you to continue growing the Hub and moving towards health equity for all.