National Preventive Health Strategy 2021-2030

The Australian Government’s strategy for building a sustainable prevention system, which outlines plans to reduce health inequity and the burden of disease and increase preparedness for emerging threats.

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Download a glossary of the terms used in the strategy below:

Keywords: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, access, adult women, cancer, cervical screening, children, colonoscopy: diabetes, communication, culturally and linguistically diverse, education, exercise, families, funding, gender, gender equality, gender equity, government and policy, health and wellbeing, health equity, health literacy, health promotion, health services, health systems, healthy eating, heart health, human papillomavirus (HPV), immunisation, LGBTIQ+, liver health, metropolitan, national, nutrition, older women, pinned, policy, population health, prevention, primary prevention, public health, regional, remote, rural, women with disabilities, younger women
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