Rural, remote and regional differences in women’s health: Findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health

This research paper explores the impact of rural health disadvantage on Australian women living in regional and remote communities. Analysing detailed data from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women‘s Health (ALSWH), the paper shows clear examples where government policies have been effective in reducing health inequities, as well as highlighting situations in which changes in policies and practices could lead to further improvements.

Keywords: access, adult women, advocacy, aged care, ageing, alternative therapies, birth, bone health, breast health, cancer, cardiovascular, caregivers, carers, cervical screening, children, climate change, depression, diabetes, economic burden, employment, excercise, families, financial distress, funding, funding health care, gender, hardship, health and wellbeing, health conditions, health equity, health literacy, health services, health systems, healthy eating, heart health, herstory, housing, hysterectomy, maternal health, medical care, menopause, mental health, mental health and wellbeing, national, natural disasters, nutrition, occupational health and safety, older women, osteoporosis, pain, parenting, policy, population health, primary health care, public health, regional, relationships, remote, reproductive health, rural, single parents, smoking, social determinants of health, stress, stroke, workplaces, young women
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