Highlights from Our Annual General Meeting

A cropped image of a laptop with faces on the screen attending an online meeting. To the left is a green mug on a brown wooden table with a matching wooden chair.
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

In the wake of our recent Annual General Meeting, we are pleased to share highlights below, including our 2022-2023 Annual Report.

The first year of our Department of Health and Aged Care, Health Peak and Advisory Body Grant saw a number of achievements including membership growth, expanded partnerships and increased donations. 

We were delighted to extend a warm welcome to our newest board members, Tahlee Blade Stevenson from South Australia, Rachael Uebergang from the Northern Territory, and Rosemary Listing from New South Wales. We look forward to introducing Tahlee, Rachael and Rosemary to you properly in the New Year. 

This meeting also marked the departure of Dianne Hill who served as a Victorian board representative for 4 years. Dianne resigned from the Alliance and has also stepped down as the CEO of Women’s Health Victoria. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Dianne for her unwavering advocacy, support, and leadership, especially during the challenging COVID-19 lockdowns, as well as her substantial contributions to Alliance policy papers and submissions. Good luck Di, we will miss you!

Finally, this year we move to a model of 3 subcommittees:

  • Governance, chaired by Jo Flanagan
  • Business Services and Risk, chaired by Dr Angela Brown
  • Stakeholder engagement, chaired by TBC
In 2024 we will undertake a membership review followed by strategic planning. If you’re interested in being involved please contact us.

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