The 6th Australian Women’s Health Conference

These conference slides are from presenters at the 6th Australian Women’s Health Conference in 2010, held in Hobart Tasmania. The presentations are listed in alphabetical order by the presenter’s first name.

Title of presentationPresenter(s)Organisation
Caring costs: the impact of caring on women’s economic healthAlison ParkinsonCarers NSW
MOSAIC (MOtherS’ Advocates In the Community)Angela Taft, Rhonda Small, Kelsey Hegarty, Judith Lumley, Lyndsey Watson and Lisa GoldMother & Child Health Research, La Trobe University
Violence against young women: findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s HealthAngela Taft and Lyn WatsonMother & Child Health Research, La Trobe University
Same Sex Domestic ViolenceAnnaliese ConstableACON
Health inequities: Where does gender fit in?Anne KavanaghUniversity of Melbourne
Disordered Eating / Physical ActivityAnnie FlintAustralian Women’s Health Network
Does it make sense now?: Translating knowledge about SGBABarbara Clow, Ann Pederson and Margaret Haworth-BrockmanAtlantic Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
Domestic Violence Homicide Reviews: Preventable Deaths of Women in AustraliaBetty GreenN/A
Providing Primary Health Care Services to Aboriginal Women from a Community Development ApproachBev JowleSouth Coastal Women’s Health Services
Reproductive Health at Risk: Challenges Associated with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Remote Central AustraliaB Silver, A Rumbold, K Smith, J Knox, J Boyle, J Ward and J KaldorMenzies School of Health Research
More than Rates, Roads and Rubbish…The Road to Women’s Health in Local GovernmentBridie HudsonWomen’s Health in the North
Reflecting on Abortion Law ReformCandy Broad, Carol Richards and Marilyn BeaumontWomen’s Health Victoria
Women With Disabilities and the Human Right to HealthCarolyn Frohmader and Karin SwiftWomen With Disabilities Australia
Improving Access to Health Services: The Innovative Role of the Women’s Health Nurse PractitionerCaterina BortolotThe Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne
The Country Closet: Rural Lesbians in IsolationCathy WheelWomen’s Health Loddon Mallee
Representing the Dead: Media Reports of Domestic HomicideCharmaine Power, Elspeth McInnes and Catherine MackenzieFlinders University
Law Reform and Abortion ServicesChris BaylyThe Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne
Sex, lies and public policy – Cervical Cancer Prevention and the Introduction of the HPV vaccine in Aotearoa New ZealandChristy ParkerWomen’s Health Action Trust
Intimate partner violence, health and social support: Findings over the long termDeborah Loxton, Jennifer Powers and Karley FurberUniversity of Queensland and University of Newcastle
Gender SafetyDenele Crozier, Helen Dooley, Sue McClelland and Roxanne McMurrayAustralian Women’s Health Network
Bridging Leadership Barriers ProjectDesiree YapAustralian Federation of Medical Women
Understanding and Fostering Resilient Mental Health OutcomesDonna E. StewartUniversity Health Network
University of Toronto
Time Pressure and Health: Gender and life course dimensionsDorothy Broom, Lyn Craig, Julie Smith and Lyndall StrazdinsAustralian National University
Cooperation and collaboration between NACCHO & AWHN and the Talking CircleElaine LomasNational Aboriginal
Community Controlled
Health Organisation
The Women’s Says No to Violence Against WomenElizabeth McLindonThe Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne
Developing a Women’s Health Action PlanEmily Delahunty Women’s Health Grampians
WAMINDAFaye WornerWaminda South Coast Women’s Health and Welfare Aboriginal Corporation
Primary Violence Prevention: Working our way out of a job?Fiona MeadeAdelaide Hills Community Health Service
Commission on the Social Determinants of Health: gendering health inequitiesFran BaumSouthgate Institute for Health, Society & Equity,
Flinders University Adelaide
Respect and Equity: Preventing Violence Against WomenGeorgie HillMaribyrnong City Council
6th Australian Women’s Health ConferenceGwen GrayAustralian Women’s Health Network
Engendering Regional Health Planning in ManitobaHarpa Isfeld and Margaret Haworth-BrockmanPrairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence
Mainstreaming gender in health policy: how are we doing in Australia?Helen KeleherMonash University
Maximising the Power of WomenJacquie MaginnisJacquie Maginnis
Challenging Myths About Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Mental Health: New Evidence Across the Life CourseJane FisherUniversity of Melbourne
HABA Training ProgramJan Ryan, Teresa Kata and Bernadette MasbayiIshar Multicultural Women’s Health Centre
HABA Training Program: Body Mapping ActivityJan Ryan, Teresa Kata and Bernadette MasbayiIshar Multicultural Women’s Health Centre
Healthy Active Bicultural Ambassadors Training ProgramJan Ryan, Teresa Kata and Bernadette MasbayiIshar Multicultural Women’s Health Centre
The Gippsland Model: Respectful Relationships
Education in Schools (RREIS) across Urban, Rural and Remote settings
Jan TraceyGippsland Women’s Health Service
Reproductive Health: Findings from the
Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health
Jayne LuckeUniversity of Queensland and University of Newcastle
Arts and Health / Community Cultural PracticeJennie GorringeAustralian Women’s Health Network
Collaborative Approaches to Violence
Jo MageeAustralian Women’s Health Network
Progressing the National Aboriginal Women’s Health AgendaJoanne WillmotRelationships Australia
Addressing Social Isolation through Knitting and Traditional Crafts – Unexpected OutcomesJohanne Thiel and Biddy SearlN/A
Women’s experience of treatment for
gynaecological cancer
Jo Wainer, Eileen Willis, Judith Dwyer and Kei OwadaMonash University
Aboriginal Families Study: Collaborative approaches to health policy development through community led researchJ WiebeSA Health
Domestic Violence in PregnancyKatie Reichstein and Anne Van ZantenGovernment of South Australia
So many issues … so little time: Prioritising advocacyKathy FaulknerWomen’s Health Queensland Wide
Cut it outKaruna Fielden and Jenny DowlingLismore & District Women’s Health Centre Inc.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy; Developed 2009-2010Karen Adams, Sandy Angus and Bronwyn FredericksNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy
Family and domestic violence: a gendered crime? Report on initial researchKaren Carlson and Liz MulderTasmania Department of Health and Human Services
‘It Starts at the Door’: Environmental Factors & the Quality of Care for WomenKaren R. GrantUniversity of Manitoba
Improving service responses to violence against women with disabilitiesKeran HoweVictorian Women with Disabilities Network
Doing it Tough Harnessing Hope!Kim Morey and Elizabeth HurrellSA Health
Does Combining Health Promotion and Feminist Frameworks Equal Better Health Outcomes for Women?Kerryn Lewis and Anna StewartWomen’s Health in the North
Community group participation and health among Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal women living in urban AdelaideKaty Osborne, Anna Ziersch, Fran Baum, Gilbert Gallaher and Dana ShenFlinders University
Addressing Violence AllianceKristina BirchmoreAddressing Violence Alliance
Development and implementation of
Victorian violence against women policy reform – achievements + challenges
Lara FergusVictoria Department of Planning and Community Development
Aboriginal Mothers & Daughters Gathering
Lisa Collins and Lee HaganCentral Women’s Health Centre
Arthritis and depression: Tracking prevalence, impact and management in older womenLynne Parkinson, Julia Byles, Richard Gibson, Ian Robinson and Xenia Doljagore University of Queensland and University of Newcastle
The M&M Show – Mimmies and MinniesLeanne Pilkington and Janinne GliddonBreastScreen WA
WA Cervical Cancer Prevention Program
What Works? Services for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women with Co-occurring Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol IssuesLynn Roarty and Sherry SaggersNational Drug Research Institute, Curtin University
Enhanced Role Improves Outcomes for Rural WomenLorna Scott and Carolyn EnksHunter New England Health
Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program: Why it MattersM Adam and K NeophytouWomen’s Health in the North
The Body Esteem ProgramMandy Stringer and Tracey HennessyBody Esteem, Women’s Healthworks
Balancing rights to improve women’s sexual and reproductive healthMarilyn BeaumontWomen’s Health Victoria
10 Point Plan for Victorian Women’s Health: 2006 to 2010 and 2010 to 2014Marilyn BeaumontWomen’s Health Victoria
Developing a Gender and Diversity Lens: A guide for health and human servicesMeg GulbinVictorian Department of Health
When the Ink is Dry: Perspectives on Women’s Health Strategies in CanadaMargaret Haworth-Brockman and Ann PedersonHealth Canada
Bridging Men’s and Women’s Health: From Theory to Policy and Practice in the Northern TerritoryMegan HowittNorthern Territory Government Department of Health and Families
Strategic CollaborationsMegan HowittNorthern Territory Government Department of Health and Families
Time to align – primary prevention, women’s health & violence against womenMelanie HeenanVictorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth)
Pharmacy access to the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP): women’s knowledge, attitudes and useMelissa HobbsMother & Child Health Research, La Trobe University
The Royal Women’s General Practitioner ServiceM LancasterThe Royal Women’s
Rom Dal Miyalik: Strong WomenM LiddleN/A
Towards EmpowermentMarsha SaxtonWorld Institute on Disability
‘Some mothers do ‘ave them’: Mother blame and obesity across differing socio-economic landscapesMegan WarinThe University of Adelaide
You are how you eat: The use of mindful eating skills in the prevention of obesity and eating disordersNaomi CraftiEating Disorders Foundation of Victoria
Being Savvy in Cyber SpaceNikki GreenwayWomen’s Health Grampians
Workplace policy for the prevention of violence against womenPetra BegnellWomen’s Health Victoria
There are No arrivals: Points of Departure for Immigrant and Refugee Women’s AdvocacyPauline Gwatirisa and Adele MurdoloMulticultural Centre for Women’s Health, VIC
“Is domestic violence affecting your mental
P O’BrienCentral Coast NSW Mental Health Services collaboration
The Minority Voice of HIV Positive Women in AustraliaPam Price and Katherine LeaneSA Health
Gender Analysis in the Real World Applying a gendered approach to current health issuesPam RugkhlaWomen’s Health Victoria
Lesbians negotiating parenting: Overcoming biologically based cultural prescriptions of parental and household rolesRhonda BrownDeakin University
Mind/body ConnectionRobyn CarneyUniting Aged Care Southern Tasmania
The Index: A model for access to women’s health and wellbeing dataRose DureyWomen’s Health Victoria
Engaging and working with the corporate sector to prevent violence against womenRose DureyWomen’s Health Victoria
Surviving War But Still At Risk: The Health Needs of Refugee Women and Girls at Risk in Regional AustraliaRebecca Eckert, Eileen Pittaway, Linda Bartolomei, Richard Hugman and Effie Mitchell Centre for Refugee Research, University of NSW
Evidence for Equity: Population Statistics, Narrative Accounts and Gender-sensitive IndicatorsM Haworth-Brockman, A Pederson and B JacksonPrairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence
The Impact of Sexualised Images on the Mental Health of Ageing WomenRochelle HineLa Trobe University
Preventing Violence Against Women: Challenges For Feminist PracticeRobyn Mason and Deb WesternMonash University Victoria, Domestic Violence Victoria
A new guide to inclusive practice for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex womenRuth McNair, Catherine Barrett and Meg GulbinUniversity of Melbourne
Developing Human and Material Resources; through Trusting, Rewarding RelationshipSandra AngusQueensland Cervical Screening Program (QCSP), Cancer Screening Services Branch (CSSB), Queensland Health
An enduring partnership: An Aboriginal Health Service Medical Clinic and local women’s health service working together to improve indigenous healthSandy Anderson and Katrina HishonBallarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative; Women’s Health Grampians
Farm women – health, wellbeing and safetySusan Brumby and Stuart WillderNational Centre for Farmer Health, Western District Health Service
Women’s Power Card Set Sharing Women’s Wisdom & Experiences of PowerS CamilleriWomen’s Health West
Layering the Lenses? Advancing Women’s Health through the Health Inequity MechanismSteve Chasey and Ann PedersonBritish Colombia Centre for Excellence for Women’s Health
An Integrated Holistic Health Service Model for Refugee Women: Promoting Access, Equity and Culturally Appropriate ServicesSue DunfordThe Migrant Health Service
South Australia
Bringing it all Together: Cross Sector Partnerships Addressing Women’s Mental Health & Family ViolenceSabin FernbacherWomen’s Health in the North
The Education Program on Female Genital Mutilation (NSW FGM)S FraiyNSW Health
The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) without prescription: The views and practices of Australian pharmacistsSafeera Hussainy, Kay Stewart, Colin Chapman, A Taft, Melissa Hobbs, Julia Shelley Anthony Smith and Lisa AmirMonash University
Turning Point: Developing Strategic Responses to Lesbian HealthSiri MayACON
Downward Spirals: disability and health costs as contributors to poverty and imagining ways forwardS SalthouseWomen With Disabilities Australia
Women with Disabilities Accessing Domestic Violence/ Crisis Services in the ACTS Salthouse Women With Disabilities Australia ACT
How is maternal responsibility constructed and perpetuated through health discourse?Toni DelanyUniversity of Adelaide
Experiences of abuse across three generationsUniversity of Queensland and University of NewcastleUniversity of Queensland and University of Newcastle
The Inside Out Drop-in Centre: A Collaborative Approach to Developing a Women’s Information Website in the Northern TerritoryV DearmanNorthern Territory Government
Experiences of women over 30 years of age of managing/controlling their fertility prior to a termination of Pregnancy in South AustraliaWendy AbigailFlinders University
Accountable on our terms: Feminist organisations and change in TasmaniaW Meek N/A
Inanna Crisis Service: a Feminist service with a Narrative framework meets Dialectical Behaviour Therapy DBTW WillowInnana Inc

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